Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Lilacs, Moons and a Memorial for Mary

I thought maybe there would be a good sunset last night. There wasn't. So as I wondered around looking for other photo ops I saw the pile of stones on the railroad tie out front that I had placed there one evening when my mother and I were watching traffic go by. She got a kick out it. At that point when she had only two weeks to live she was easily amused by almost everything I did. Now I can't bring myself to move them and I thought maybe a photo would be a good idea in case Dakota and his friends think it would be fun to chuck them at cars some day.

The moon was pretty awesome last night too. The lilacs SUCK because the late snows fried most of the buds.


Anonymous said...

Loved the moon photo...

Leslie said...

I bet they still smell like heaven tho.

I like your rock cairn for your Mum, very kewl.

The moon, I missed as I was drugged to the eyeballs after the extraction, sigh...