Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ten in 2010? 178/365

If I am not careful I may get ten shawls in 2010 without even meaning to! Here is #3 that will go to my daughter, Deanna, if she leaves me a comment here saying she wants it (motherly blackmail) (oh...and it will look nice on the wall if you don't want to wear it)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

What to Knit Next 175/365

Hmmmmmm I wonder. I have promised some friends socks, but what pattern and which ones first? Decisions, decisions. 

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Pink 198 Yds of Heaven 174/365

I'm so glad Leslie did the 10 shawls in 2010 challenge on Ravelry. She introduced me to this shawl pattern and I love it to pieces. I gave the gray one to a friend at the Kingdom Hall because she looks great in black, gray and red.(And her name is Becky) I made this pink one for myself.

They come of the needles looking horrible but block them out and the magic happens.

I'm doing a lime green lace weight leaf shawl for Deanna and a purple 12 pt ball for my nephew, Dustin. I really should finish the blue cotton Yosemite sweater I started two years ago next. If not next, soon.

The weather is depressing.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Red Hot and Blue BBQ at its Finest 173/365

Jack didn't work again today (oh thank you, snow, you just keep giving and giving) but he might have to work Saturday so we went for groceries and other sundries today. But first, lunch at my fav non-breakfast establishment, Red Hot and Blue at Academy and Austin Bluffs. The food is fabulous, the service is good and the atmosphere is excellent. We got a free dinner for signing up for their email list.Who wants to do lunch?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How I Spent My (Stupid) Snow Day 172/365

I stayed up late waiting to see if Jack would get called in to push snow (he didn't) and I slept late thus giving myself another migraine (note to self- do NOT sleep in  no matter what). I got some snow pics but mostly I was on my computer and knitting all day. The good news...Jack cooked brunch and supper.

This was going to say "Not Funny" but I went with this next picture instead
Here's my next shawl which I will finish and block during my new Favorite TV show Meteorite Men
I think I can finish my scrappy memory knee socks tonight too!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

5" in 90 Minutes 171/365

I hate my camera I really do...behold the crappy snow picture.
Maybe I'll get some better ones tomorrow.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Felted Comet Bag 170/365

The felted comet bag is DONE! Love it love it love it.
This is the bag after felting while pinned out to dry

This is the bag after trimming and embellishing


Repeat after me....Halley (rhymes with alley)
Halley's Comet

Sir Edmund Halley
(Jack has Sir Edmund's nose lol)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Still Digging my Hair! 169/365

We went to the Ultimate Buffet for supper. At the risk of sounding racist, I swear I have NEVER seen so many Oriental/Asian, Hispanic, African American people eating in one place at one time. Ever.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

198 Yards of Heaven Shawlette 168/365

Leslie has made a bunch of these little shawls and I wanted one real bad so I cut into my sock making to do one. I'm quite pleased with the result even though I changed my colors up at the last hour. I was going to do a deeper border in dark rose but I couldn't find any in my stash....grrrr coulda sworn I had some but it's being evasive. I settled for some of the red left over from my new comet bag. (Pics on that soon.) My 365 is the new LEATHER COAT I got a the second hand shop on Nevada across from the new Lowes for $35.00....SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Stupid Snow 167/365

Woke up to snow. yeah they said it was coming but I didn't want to believe it. Jack off work, Dakota off school, me with a migraine. I don't know how I made it this far....
gif maker

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Serenading Miss Leslie 166/365

Leslie came over to felt the messenger bag a bartered a walking stick for. We took a lot of pictures. This is the one of me singing a sad song from Bones to her.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

One of Those Days 164/365

Ever had one of those days where nothing went right? I had one today but somehow I am not depressed about it. I guess I have nowhere to go but up right? Here's me at the Garden of the Gods looking for sticks to use for our canes...nope...none to be found. 
Did find some with interesting worming going on...now if I knew what to do with them.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sullen Girl 162/365

My BFF Barb and I are gonna collaborate on this Fiona Apple song....Sullen Girl

Days like this, I don't know what to do with myself
All day, and all night
I wander the halls along the walls
And under my breath, I say to myself,
"I need fuel to take flight"

And there's too much going on
But it's calm under the waves
In the blue of my oblivion
Under the waves in the blue of my oblivion

Is that why they call me a sullen girl, sullen girl?
They don't I used to sail the deep and tranquil seas
But he washed me ashore
And he took my pearl
And left an empty
Shell of me

And there's too much going on
But it's calm under the waves
In the blue of my oblivion
Under the waves in the blue of my oblivion
Under the waves in the blue of my oblivion
It's calm under the waves
In the blue of my oblivion

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spotted Dick 161/365

You heard me right......Spotted Dick and I bet Leslie is the only one who understands right away lol

Friday, March 12, 2010

It's Not Easy Being Me 160/365

Remember back when my life was simple? Get up at 5 AM, make sure kids went to school, do some housework,  play on the computer all day with my music friends, start supper, knit and watch TV with Jack and go to bed at 8-8:30 PM? Lemme tell ya, those days are lonnnnnnnnnnng gone.
Now I  get up later, stay up later, work odd jobs for money, PTA, church, create about 20 kinds of art, blog, Facebook,.Twitter, endless email and why oh why did the housework increase even though the kid count went down? It's all good though, I wouldn't change a thing. But I miss those days all the same.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Work Work Work That's All I Ever Do 159/365

Ask my kids about that title...it was a common joke in our farmhouse while they were growing up. Well today I worked my hiney off helping my friend Vickie get ready for a garage sale. They have some GOOD stuff! I can't afford it so I took pictures LOL!

I was filthy so no picture of me from today...here's one from last night...knitting in the library waiting on PTA to start

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Making of the Colcannon 158/365

I asked Leslie for an Irish recipe and she suggested colcannon. Made from mashed potatoes, cabbage and ham and scallions, my version came from Food Network's Tyler's Ultimate. It was yummy!

I'm also grabbing a little trick Leslie uses for her 365 pictures the old "here's-my-hand-yes-it-counts" maneuver!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Knitting Dreams 157/365

I got my yarn and fabrics put in a semblance of order finally. Now I am dreaming of knitting... took this self portrait at the bus stop several years ago

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Will the Real Crazy Rebecca Please Stand Up? 155/365

Here I am, here I am!
I won a contest on Twitter (first 3 to respond got their profile pics PhotoShop painted). This is the result and I LOVE IT!!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Girls got Their Purses 154/365

I made purses for my oldest son's girls...Grandma's angels they are!
Alaina decided hers would work as a hat too
Here's me in the old lady bathtub. Thanks for indulging me Leslie!