Saturday, October 16, 2010

Frantic Friday 346/365

Yes, I forgot to post yesterday. Yes, I have a reason...I was TIRED! It was a freaky, frantic Friday.

I got a payment in the mail for crazy quilt fabric, an order for another purple and white skully hat (That makes three I have to make plus a white and black one) and a small order off for the mini bundles of fabric.

At 2:45 PM I took off for the high school to work the concession stand for PTA and OMG it was soooooooooo busy in there not to mention cramped and hot. I bet my drawer had $500 in it when we finally told the people in line we had to close up. We sold out of a  lot of things. It was crazy.

When I got home Jack had good news. He is being somewhat promoted and will be working at Schriever Airforce Base until at least the first of next year. They even gave him a foreman's phone.

So after talking about that for a bit I asked him to drive me downtown to the college to catch the Josh Blue show. Hopped in the car, drove down, got dropped off, went in to get tickets, saw this:

Called Jack, ran back outside, got in car, went to Dairy Queen and Liquor store and home to crash...whew!

Here's the first hat I got done...long day again today...later tater...

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