We were re-arranging some things yesterday and I found this picture I assumed was lost forever. We had it taken at Silver Dollar City near Branson MO in 2004. Isn't Jack handsome? The search is on for a hat like that.
I started another challenge for myself. I want to make 100 things to sell, give as gifts or just for myself from things I already have here at the house. This was inspired by the facts that:
A. I have no money B. I have no room C. Apparently I have no life LOL!
I have already made two things... a dangle bracelet for my friend Pam's daughter out of beads, headpins and stretch cord and a chain bracelet for my self out of an ugly necklace Kyle bought and left here. Pictures tomorrow.
Where are your shoes, you loose woman you? Jack sure is a braw (handsome in Scot English) man.
That is some challenge you have set forth for yourself. Are you sure you don't want to come shop my house for more stuff to do that with?
I was actually going to type "Leslie this doesn't mean you can't drop off fabric" LOL!!!!!!!!! Do you still want to borrow a beading loom?
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