Thursday, June 7, 2012

100 Days of Doilies Day 7

Ahhhhhh, the knitted doily! I made this on in Colorado in 2007. One of the ladies I knit with at Knitter's Kove wanted to try the technique and had some extra cotton yarn to share with me. I did a small one first then this one using vintage steel circular needles size 3. NEVER AGAIN!!! Let me repeat that....NEVER AGAIN!!!!

I took it to my mom in Chicago when she was in rehab after dehydrating due to chemo treatments. When she moved in with me I stretched it on a doily board and hung it in her room. (She died 6 weeks later) It stayed there until I took it down last October and brought it with me to Ranucky. It has lived several places here in my little pink room. I love it though I hate it. Clear as mud right?

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