Monday, January 13, 2014

A woman is like a tea bag...(Under Pressure Again)

Monday, January 13, 2014
Eleanor Roosevelt said: "A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water."  Tell us about a time you felt your strength.

2001- Hateful year indeed. Found out my husband had a girlfriend in the same week I found out my daughter needed brain surgery. Got rid of the husband and got my daughter through brain surgery only to face the events of Sept 11 and the downfall of my craft business.

Thinking back, I did have a breakdown late that year but I was really strong during the actual brain surgery and medical-everything leading up to it. My daughter and I both look back fondly on the whole ordeal. She's fine, by the way. It wasn't cancer it was an AVM which is evidently genetic as my cousin's daughter had one also. We all toyed with the idea of having our children tested but let's be real. We couldn't afford CT scans or MRIs so until they get symptoms we're just gonna act like it ain't happening again.

Here's a link to a neurosurgery site so you can understand what AVM is

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